I am trying to write simple sentences on my own using demonstrative pronouns. Are they correct?
एषः अश्वः - This is horse.
एषा मयूरी - This is peahen.
एषा मम शुनी - This is (f) dog.
एषा मम भार्या - This is my wife.
एषः मम पुत्रः - This is my son.
एषा मम पुत्री - This is my daughter.
एतत् क्षीरम् - This is milk.
सः राहुल् - That is Rahul.
सा संहिता - That is Sanhita.
तत् गवाक्षम् - That is window.
तत् मम कलत्रम् - That is my spouse.
तत् छत्रम् - That is umbrella.
सः राहुलः | Since the noun is masculine noun ending in अ and first person form, the addition of visarga takes place.